Understanding Probate: What you need to know.
Probate is an administrative process, involving an application to court,
to prove the validity of a will and the executor’s power to act pursuant
to that will.
The Family Cottage
What to consider in your succession plan for the Family cottage.

Estate Planning for Blended Families
The number of blended families in Canada is on the rise.
Estate Planning for Beneficiaries with Disabilities
An important purpose of estate planning is to sure that loved ones are financially cared for after a person’s passing.
Beyond the Henson Trust: Estate Planning for Children with Disabilities
Trust advisors often encounter clients who have a child with a disability ask during estate planning meetings: “Should I have a Henson Trust?”

In the Blender - Estate Planning for Blended Families
All families are complicated, but blended families, where one or both spouses bring with them children from a previous relationship, can be more complicated than most.

Failure to Launch: Adult Dependents and their Estate Rights
In Canada, individuals are generally allowed to leave their estates to whomever they wish, with some exceptions.

When your executor resides out of province
When choosing an executor (or “liquidator” in Quebec), there are many
factors you will want to consider.